We are always humbled and inspired by the actions and generosity of our supports, especially our younger supporters. We’ve had a few young Canadians support us recently and we wanted to share their stories!

Simon teaches his class about clean water

We got a letter from a student in Toronto about his recent project featuring WaterAid:

To Whom It May Concern,

Hi my name is Simon. I am a grade 6 student at [school in Toronto]. I was assigned a project to teach my class about a charity that really touched my heart. 

Water is a big deal and created all life on earth. For my activity, I split my class into five groups. Then I gave each group a bottle and coal, gravel and sand. Then we put one after the other and made a homemade water filter. It was awesome! Thank you for making the world a better place. 

Best regards,


Thanks for sharing your knowledge and passion with your class Simon!

Marlowe raises $1,200 with help from her community

Here’s a story about one of our younger supporters, Marlowe, and the wonderful work she did for WaterAid Canada!

My name is Marlowe and I’m 8 years old. Right now I’m in grade 3 but last year in grade 2, my teacher told our class a story about a girl who raised money to help have a well built in a part of the world that doesn’t have access to clean water.  I was very inspired by her story so I came home from school and told my mom that I wanted to have a bake sale and a lemonade stand to raise money for a charity which will help those people and countries in the world who are less fortunate than us.  We started by asking our local farmer’s market if we could set up a stand one Saturday morning in June to sell our baking. They said yes and then we had some friends who wanted to help too so they did some baking for our sale. We also borrowed a friend’s lemonade stand so we could have lemonade to sell that morning. It was a great day and we raised $565! Much more than we had expected! We weren’t sure what we would do to raise the rest of my $1000 goal but figured the bake sale did so well, we would do it again! My teacher this year got my entire class involved and everyone in my class brought in some baked goods on the day of the sale. We let the whole school know there would be a bake sale raising money for WaterAid Canada during the two recess breaks for one day only.  It was super busy with kids but I really didn’t think I would raise the remaining money from just that one day sale. Turns out, I was very wrong! I have now raised over $1200!! I have had a lot of fun doing these fundraisers and it has inspired me to keep doing them. I’m excited to learn how the money I’ve raised will help other people. I might just do another fundraiser for WaterAid Canada in the future!

Marlowe, and the countless other WaterAid Canada supporters are helping us reach our goal of clean water and decent toilets for everyone, everywhere by 2030.

Thank you Marlowe!

Owen tops his fundraising goal with local fundraiser

Owen wanted to raise money for WaterAid. On a warm Saturday morning in June, his family put on a fundraising event, with his sister raising money for her favourite charity (Oakville and Milton Humane Society) and Owen raising money for WaterAid!

He made posters and had fun activities to teach people about the importance of safe sanitation and toilets – activities like Pin-the-Poop, Toilet Toss, and Poop in the Bucket. Owen managed to beat his goal of $775 and raised an amazing $900 for WaterAid! We are very impressed with Owen’s creativity and dedication!